In Scouting, we’re committed to ensuring a safe environment for our young members and volunteers. This week we will be raising awareness about our Safe from Harm procedures and how we can continue to ensure the safety of the children and young people we serve in South Africa and globally.
What is Safe from Harm?
Find our more here:
How do we keep our members safe?
As an organisation we take great care to ensure that children and young members are kept safe. From police clearance checks, to a clear child protection policy, safe Scouting policy and open avenues for all members to raise concerns or complaints.
Adult volunteers are required to know the content of these documents and therefore they are included in our Warrant Training courses.
- Child Protection: Any allegation, when brought to the Chief Executive Officer’sor Chief Commissioner’s attention, is immediately addressed. The allegations are then reported to the relevant authorities for legal investigation and action as merited. The specifics of the process that is followed is laid out in SCOUTS South Africa’s Child Protection Policy that sets out in detail the steps to be taken. An info graphic was designed to facilitate the reporting process for our members. We encourage you to share it with your members or print it and hang it in your Scout Hall:
- Safe Scouting: To ensure that members can enjoy the Scouting adventure safely, a Safe Scouting Policy and Procedures are in place. Find them here: Share this infographic with your members or print it and hang it in your Scout Hall:
Learn more about keeping young people Safe from Harm!
Everyone plays a role in keeping young people safe from harm. Learn more about how you can help make everyone feel safe, inside and outside of Scouting, with World Scouting’s short online course:
Six tips to keep yourselves safe online:
With the current lockdown and Covid pandemic we all spend more time online. So #BePrepared and keep yourself and the young people you serve safe from harm by following these Six tips for online safety
- If you have 10 minutes, log-in to your account and complete World Scouting’s mini “Be Safe Online” course: .
#Scouting #Scouts #BeSafeOnline #scoutssouthafrica #SafeFromHarm #SafeScouts #BePrepared #ChildProtection @WorldScouting