Jacob Bezuidenhout LEAPING WOLF 2024

Jacob with his Leaping Wolf Badge Certificate

Cape Border District, Eastern Cape South Region

Jacob Bezuidenhout was awarded his Leaping Wolf badge on 17 May 2024. A few days short of his eleventh birthday. We asked Jacob a few questions about his journey towards earning the Leaping Wolf.

• What was your favourite badge to earn as part of the Leaping Wolf? Why was is your favourite badge?
Food for Life. It was fun being in the outdoors and growing my own produce. Especially the strawberries.

• What was your favourite activity you did to earn your Leaping Wolf? Why was it your favourite activity?
Personal Challenge. Loved achieving my goal of catching a fish and learning how to do it with my dad.

• What was your least favourite part of earning the Leaping Wolf? Why was it your least favourite part?
The Log Book. The WRITING. I don’t like writing. Not my favourite thing to do.

• What was the highlight of your Leaping Wolf journey? Why was it your highlight?
Achieving something that not many others have done. It made me push myself.

• Would you recommend to other Cubs to work on earning their Leaping Wolf? Why?
Yes, of course. It’s a great feeling accomplishing it.

• Do you have any tips and tricks for them?
Yes. Just try your best. It’s worth it.

• What are your future aims in the Scouting movement?
Earning the SPRINGBOK badge.

A few words from Jacob’s Akela:
I recall when Jacob was invested in August 2022. A shy and intelligent young boy that was always so polite and helpful. He got started on earning his Interest Badges right away and managed to earn himself a total of 25 Interest Badges during his Cubbing career. He also completed his Silver and Gold Wolf challenges in record time. I was so happy when he decided to take up the challenge of earning his Leaping Wolf. It was a lot of hard work, but he got through it with determination and effort.The day I awarded him with his Leaping Wolf I saw the incredible young man he has become.

It has been a pleasure and honour to be a part of Jacob’s Scouting journey. The sky is really the limit for him, he can achieve anything he puts his mind to, and I could not be a prouder Akela to have walked this journey with him.

Akela (Debbie Downing)
1st Cambridge Cubs