Vacancy for District Commissioner NMB South

The importance of the Adult Leader Training Team cannot be understated!

With the “backlog” in training now cleared, it is now time for our Regional Team to undergo an evolution in 2025!

Zelda (our current NMB South District Commissioner) is a crucial part of this next stage and forms an important part of the future of Adult Leader Training in our Region. As a result, she needs to be as focused as possible to assist Jeff (our RTC Adult Training) in bringing about this evolution. So, it is best for her to step down as NMB South DC to reduce her load and be able to focus solely on the ALT development to follow.


We hope that members of that District will step forward to pick up the mantle of DC to allow for a smooth transition to occur this year. Not only will that be to the benefit of all members in NMB South, it will assist Zelda in starting this year in earnest with her focused role in the ALT – to the beneft of the entire Region. However, regardless of whether the NMB South DC position is filled, she will step down the latest by the end of December 2024.

The Regional Team therefore needs to fill the position of District Commissioner for NMB South and will need a person who can nurture and continue to grow that District.  

IMPORTANT: Electronic and hardcopy applications will close on Friday 1st of November at 15h00.

Role descriptions

  1. District Commissioner – NMB South.


    1. To support the Groups in the District to achieve a high standard of Scouting through the application of the aims, methods and values of SCOUTS South Africa (SSA) in accordance with the rules as described in SSA Constitution, Organisational Rules (OR) and Policies, as revised from time to time. To protect and ensure the good standing of SSA in the Community.


    1. The link to the job description is District-Commissioner-January-2020-v0.1.pdf (

Application information

All Adult Members are invited to nominate a fellow member, or apply themselves, for the position. These positions are open to all persons who are active members in good standing, who meet the criteria given in the Organisational Rules, who feel that they can fulfil the job description and want to take up the challenge.

The link to the Application Form on the SSA web site can be found here: Role-and-Warrant-Application-June-2024.pdf (

The link to the Nomination Form on the SSA website can be found here: Nomination-Form-for-Region-District-or-Group-Position-v1.0.pdf (

All applications should be accompanied by a one page Scouting CV: SCOUTING-CV-17th-October-2022-v-4.docx (

Applications  must  be  sent  to  Shannon Bratt (Eastern Cape South Admin) or a hard copy delivered to Scout Shop by the closing date and time.

If you have any questions please e-mail them to Shannon Bratt, who will direct them to the appropriate persons.

Yours in Scouting

The Regional Team