SCOUTS South Africa is an independent, non-profit educational movement dedicated to the development of young people in achieving their full potential as individuals and responsible citizens. Central in this programme is a continuous transference of values such as honesty, loyalty, responsibility, respect; all aimed at governing individual behaviour and the development of strong leadership skills that will equip members to be of service to others and to their communities.
SCOUTS South Africa is a member of the World Organisation of Scout Movements, WOSM. Scouting in South Africa was established in 1908 in Mafikeng.
SCOUTS South Africa is made up of four branches:
- Meerkats: boys and girls 5 to 6 years old
- Cubs: boys and girls 7 to 10 years old
- Scouts: boys and girls 11 to 17 years old
- Rovers: young men and women from 18 to 30 years old
The Scouting activities are co-ordinated and facilitated by thousands of dedicated volunteer Adult Leaders nationwide.
Groups Scouting is run in local Groups, which may be made up of units of each branch, for example, a Cub Pack, a Scout Troop and a Rover Crew. Groups are run by volunteer adult leaders and parents. The volunteer leaders, known as Scouters, run a programme of weekly meetings, camps and other activities.
Districts Scout Groups form local Districts which are coordinated by a volunteer District Commissioner and assistants.
Regions SCOUTS South Africa is divided into regions, most of which are aligned to the provinces of South Africa.
National SCOUTS South Africa is a registered non-profit organisation with a Governing Board. The daily management is administered by an Executive Committee, the Chief Scout and Chief Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer. They are assisted by several National Commissioners and Committees. The National Office consists of the Chief Executive Officer and a small number of paid staff.
Our Regional Team
Regional Commissioner: Neil O’Brien
Regional Young Leaders Representative: Jarryd Main
Regional Manager: Shannon Bratt
Finance Representative: Arnold Witte
Eastern Cape South Scout Shop Administrator: Gail van Loggenberg
Regional Team Co-ordinators (“RTC”)
RTC Meerkats: Caroline Boshoff
RTC Cubs: Sharon du Plessis
RTC Scouts: Stephen Stein
RTC Rovers: Siphelo Plaatjie
RTC Adult Training: Jeffrey Ferreira
RTC Adult Support: Mariechen Boshoff
The Regional Team is supported by the following hard working District Commissioners:
Cape Border District: Position Vacant
Country District: Martin de Bruyn
NMB North: Theresa Naidoo
NMB South: Zelda Whitlock
The Regional Team and Districts are fortunate to have the support of the following amazing Support Team Members (STM’s):
STM Cubs, Cape Border District: Debbie Downing
STM Cubs, NMB South: Cecelia Oelofson
STM Scouts, Cape Border District: Kyle Anderson
STM Scouts, NMB South: Justin Sala
Our Region is privileged to have the following Regional Co-Ordinators:
Regional Scout Programme Co-Ordinator for Youth Leadership Training: Karl Whitlock
Regional Co-Ordinator – Heritage: Dr Coleen O’Brien