Honour the past, inspire the future and build a legacy
Written by Madita Bϋnnecke Stuart Ravenscroft manages the Western Cape Scout Heritage center in Goodwood. He recently joined the Alumni Network and so we met up with him for a…
Written by Madita Bϋnnecke Stuart Ravenscroft manages the Western Cape Scout Heritage center in Goodwood. He recently joined the Alumni Network and so we met up with him for a…
After much investigation Scouts.Digital (SD) has now been selected as the National Membership Database. A contract which includes a Non-Disclosure clause has been signed with Scouts.Digital by SSA. The requirements…
Written by Madita Bünnecke Every year we welcome two volunteers from Germany to the Mpumalanga Regional Office. Lisa Schermuly arrived a few weeks ago and has since then participated in…
Sanjamb 2017 has nearly 500 entries! Hurry up and register or you will miss out on an incredible adventure! Space is limited!! Held from 8-16 December at the Voortrekker campsite…
Written by Madita Bünnecke A year of adventure in Mpumalanga awaits Thomas Blum. Thomas is one of the new volunteers from the German Scout Association DPSG who will be assisting…
We’re delighted to announce that the World Committee of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement awarded the Bronze Wolf to South African Scouting legend Winston Adams in recognition of…
We are excited to introduce Madita Bϋnnecke to you. Madita arrived in August and will be volunteering with the Western Cape School Scouting team as well as the national office.…
At the 41st World Scout Conference in Azerbaijan in August 2017, the World Scout Committee recognized SCOUTS South Africa’s efforts in growing the Scouting Movement in Africa. We were awarded…
What is the Lekgotla The National Partnership Conference, or Lekgotla (meeting place for village assemblies and village leaders) will be the first general meeting of representatives of all Groups. It will be…
Being of service to others is an ethos that Scouting youth from around the globe live by. German Scouter Katharina Steiniger volunteered for 11 months at the Mpumalanga Regional Office. This is…