District Derby Day
On 18 May 2024, we held the second of our annual District Derby Days at Merrifield Preparatory School.
The morning started crisp and early for the Scouters who all came to help set up the field for the day that lay ahead of us.
This year we also recruited some of the 1st Vincent and 2nd Gonubie Scouts to help out with the running of the program.
When the Cubs arrived all stations were set and ready to go.
Our Assistant Pack Scouter from 2nd Gonubie, Shere Khan, started off the morning with getting Cubs and parents involved in an ice-breaker game getting all warmed up and full of energy to get the games started.
Our Cubs were divided into their relevant age groups. With four stations set up each age group was sent to a station to start their challenge and to DO THEIR BEST.
After every 20 minutes the siren was raised and each age group moved onto the next station, until all stations were completed by all age groups.
By the end of this first set of stations we all needed a break.
The dads had done a superb job at braaing some boerewors rolls which was enjoyed by all parent spectators and Cubs alike. Just enjoying a lovely Saturday afternoon out in a great family picnic environment.
After lunch our new CI’s were ready to get the games started with the next set of four stations. Again the siren rang every 20 minutes with all cubs doing their best to battle it out to see who was going to take the Trophy.

Ski Walking!
We had games for the cubs to play that worked towards their Silver and Gold Wolf advancements, but apart from advancements, we did challenges which helped them earn their Athlete Interest Badge.
The time had come when all stations were done, and the scores had to be tallied. While the scores were being tallied, we once again had to get the parents involved in some of the fun.
Parents had to do a 3-legged race with their Cub, and of course that was easy so we had to get them to do the race with hurdles in the way. We also had a moms and dads race and a knotting relay with their Cubs teaching them the Reef Knot.

Changing bases at Derby Day
In great anticipation for the results of the Derby Day, all Cubs and parents gathered around to hear the final outcome.
In 3rd place was 1st Cambridge, and 2nd place went to 1st Vincent.
In 1st place, defending their title for the second year, was 2nd Gonubie.
Although the trophy went to 2nd Gonubie, all of us Akelas’ were proud of the effort our Cubs had put into their day, they all showed great spirit and friendship towards each other, which at the end of the day showed us that they are all winners.
Sharene Richter
(Pack Scouter, 2nd Gonubie)