Asad Madhi LEAPING WOLF 2024

1st Walmer Cub Pack | NMB South District | Eastern Cape South Region

I am Asad Madhi and I am from 1st Walmer in Port Elizabeth. I am a Red Sixer and a little over two weeks shy of my  11th birthday. It is an honour to receive my Leaping Wolf Badge. Ever since I heard about the elite club of Leaping Wolves I have worked to get there as my goal for cubs.

• What was your favourite badge to earn as part of the Leaping Wolf? Why was is your favourite badge?
My most enjoyable task for the badge was the personal challenge as I had the freedom of choice and chose to work on my physical and mental skill set by skipping rope and mastering some technical tricks . It’s been fun and challenging and many hours of work.

• What was your favourite activity you did to earn your Leaping Wolf? Why was it your favourite activity?
My Hiking Badge was the fun task as I had a chance to be outdoors for long stretches with good company.

• What was your least favourite part of earning the Leaping Wolf? Why was it your least favourite part?
The log book was my last task and not my favourite as it required typing up pages of work between school projects.

• What was the highlight of your Leaping Wolf journey? Why was it your highlight?
I would encourage other Cubs to participate in the Leaping Wolf badge for multiple reasons one being the Christmas decoration factor and the other as a way to gain confidence, self discovery and growth.

• Would you recommend to other Cubs to work on earning their Leaping Wolf? Why?
I enjoyed working on my Leaping Wolf badge as I could work independently and it taught me discipline, time management, allowed me creativity and an opportunity to hone my skill set in a “Cub” manner .

• Do you have any tips and tricks for them?
Future Cubs should be prepared to work smart whilst having fun and learning as they go. As you go work on your log book.

• What are your future aims in the Scouting movement?
I did my best and am proud of my outcome! Springbok badge here I come!!