1st Walmer Cub Pack | NMB South District | Eastern Cape South Region
• What was your favourite badge to earn as part of the Leaping Wolf? Why was is your favourite badge?
My favourite badge for the Leaping Wolf was the Hiking Badge because I got to go hiking up Cockscombe. We slept in a cave and there was a chop thief (Dormouse) living there.
• What was your favourite activity you did to earn your Leaping Wolf? Why was it your favourite activity?
My favourite activity was the personal challenge because I got to go bee keeping which was a totally new experience for me and I got to learn about something new.
• What was your least favourite part of earning the Leaping Wolf? Why was it your least favourite part?
My least favourite part of the Leaping Wolf was … I enjoyed all of it!
• What was the highlight of your Leaping Wolf journey? Why was it your highlight?
My highlight was learning new thing and challenging myself to complete the Leaping Wolf.
• Would you recommend to other Cubs to work on earning their Leaping Wolf? Why?
Yes, I do think so because it’s a lot of fun, you get to challenge yourself and encourage other children.
• Do you have any tips and tricks for them?
Don’t give up. Keep consistent. Have lots of fun.
• What are your future aims in the Scouting movement?
My future aims are to work towards becoming a Springbok Scout.